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How To Increase FPS and Optimize Your Gaming PC / Laptop For Better Performance

Every PC Gamer has suffered the frustrating problem of FPS Drop, Sometimes its just a few Frames but sometimes the game just runs like a slideshow. Having Good FPS count is really essential to have a good gaming experience. 

Unlike Console Gamers, PC gamers have to keep their hardware updated, change graphics cards or update to the latest drivers for their hardware. Here are few quick steps you can take to get those smooth frame rates!

Before starting, it is important to know what is Refresh Rate of a monitor. Refresh rate is the measurement of how many times a screen is redrawn on the monitor each second. Refresh Rate is measured in Hz (Hertz). For example an standard cheap non gaming monitor usually has a refresh rate of 60Hz which means having more than 60 FPS on this monitor is futile, As the monitor will only redraw 60 times per second. Monitors made for Gaming are usually high in refresh rate like 144Hz or 240Hz so you can have a amazing FPS of 144 or 240!

To check your monitor’s refresh rate,

  1. Press Win + I to Open Settings
  2. Go to “System”
  3. Then click on “Display” and then click “Advanced display settings”
  4. Note the monitor’s refresh rate.

Enable Game Mode in Windows 10

One of the simplest thing you can do to get few more fps is to enable Game Mode in settings. It helps you optimize the operating system to give priority to gaming performance.

• Open Settings, In the Settings window’s search box type “game” and then choose “Game Mode settings” in the search results.

• If it’s turned off, Enable Game Mode by swiping the button to the right. You might need to restart the PC to fully implement the setting.



Update your System and Graphics Drivers

Keeping your system drivers and graphics drivers is really essential to ensure you use your hardware to its fullest potential. Make sure your windows is up to date.

Both Nvidia and AMD frequently updates its GPU drivers, You can find the latest version by visiting their website and check for any updates for your specific graphics card.

Optimize Your In Game Settings

Now, This is the most effective way to significantly increase your FPS count but it comes with some sacrifices depending on your hardware level.

Every game is different and if your frame rate is too low you can go to the game settings and lower down your games graphics quality, you can do this by changing a single switch form “High” to “Medium” or you can individually tweak the settings. For Example lower quality on game shadows, textures, effects and render distance.


Reduce Your Screen Resolution

The game screen resolution can also be changed in the “video” section of the game’s settings. choose a resolution slightly lower than your monitors capability like if you have 1440p monitor you can tone it down to 1080p which can have dramatic effect on the frame rates.

Check Your Background Applications And Startup Processes

It is often the case that some unnecessary background applications uses up a large portion of your computer’s resources, It is important to make sure that is not the case while you are playing already heavy games.

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager to see all the foreground and background processes, It will also show which of these processes are using the most RAM and are completely unnecessary during your gaming session. Apps like Chrome and Opera will eat up a large amount of your RAM with just a few tabs open so make sure to End all such processes. If the RAM is still always full, Maybe its finally time to upgrade your RAM.


Upgrade Your Graphics Card

If you still don’t get any significant increase in the frame rates after using the above methods, Maybe it’s time to get the new GPU you’ve always wanted. Well if you are a Laptop gamer this option might not be for you, but if you have a gaming PC, You can easily swap out the old hardware like RAM and GPU for new ones. This will significantly increase your computers’ performance and give you those precious Frame Rates.


Thanks For Reading! Let Me Know If These Tips Helped You Increase Your FPS!

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