The Resident Evil Franchise has been terrifying gamers since last twenty five years. Resident Evil is one of the best survival horror game series. The developers at Capcom are constantly trying to keep up with the likes of classics such as Resident Evil 4. The Last Installment in the RE series, Resident evil 7 introduced a first-person perspective that is carried on in the latest game in the series, Resident Evil Village.
However instead of copy-pasting the same game (Just like EA does with FIFA every year) RE8 is a mix of many elements from all previous RE games, Which make this game, perhaps the most entertaining and thrilling resident evil experience yet.
Resident Evil 8 Village has Ethan Winters as the protagonist once again, The Last we saw Ethan, everything was taken away from him. He sets out on a path to find his missing daughter. which leads him to a strange and ominous village after meeting the residents of the village. it was obvious that he will be in for another nightmare as this town is being watched over by a dark entity known as Mother Miranda.
Ethan must find a way to survive being hunted by those she controls and find his daughter. You’ll find out what happens next when you play the game! The narrative becomes this grand adventure where Ethan begins connecting all these dots we don’t only have Chris Redfield to connect to the previous titles in this game, We also see that damned umbrella logo attached to areas of interest.
Ethan goes down the rabbit hole which might be hard to follow if you haven’t played the previous games in the series for some reason. there’s honestly plot twists after plot twists here and each antagonist holds the key to Ethan’s goal.
Resident evil village makes it difficult to get comfortable while playing the game and it does a awesome job at keeping your heart rate up in several different ways whether it’s the looming steps of 9 feet, 6 inches Tall Lady Dimitrescu looking for you in the halls of her castle, surviving an attack from a group of werewolves or trying to figure out which is the correct key to unlock the door as an enemy closes in on you. I was forced to stay alert at all times to watch out for whatever was gonna be thrown at me. The game had many heartbeat-skipping Jump scares, so watch out for them!
When compared to resident evil 7, Resident Evil Village is more action oriented. There’s a sense of item collecting and bullet hoarding, but this game doesn’t demand that you conserve your ammo, for starters it’s possible to simply craft bullets from items found throughout the world it’s an interesting feature that I forgot about most of the time until I realized that I needed healing items still it comes in handy and acts as a reward for those who search everywhere.
Items can also be purchased from a character known as the “Duke”. This character is actually more helpful than anyone else in the game but Ethan is still careful, he sells everything from guns to customization parts and ammo.
If there’s something you need there’s a price for it, items can also be sold which borrow heavily from resident evil 4 where you can collect treasure and put them together for a higher sell price.
There are also many brain-teasing puzzles that grant you high selling items but most of the valuables come from fallen enemies.
You can also cook in the game, which adds advantages for Ethan such as permanent health increases. Resident Evil Village mainly takes place around, well, the village.
You’ll be progressing your way through this huge village area unlocking new paths and collecting treasures, I love this concept but the town is never easy to navigate there’s always something blocking your way forcing you to take the long way around even if you’ve unlocked all the paths I was constantly getting turned around and had to check the map again and again to see if I was going in the right way.
The various dungeons are a bit more natural in layout so it’s tougher to get lost but they each have their gimmicks there’s no doubt that this is a beautifully crafted game. Each room in this game is beautifully handcrafted and modeled in a way that will force you to slow down and try and take all the details in.
Puzzles are largely environmental and will probably take you few minutes to figure out. these puzzles are very unique, when you get through them, you won’t see another one like them again. some item management goes into unlocking doors but the key items don’t take up any room in your inventory so you’ll probably never have a problem with carrying around everything that you want to.
Resident evil village understands how to set the tone of the adventure the music will suddenly ramp up and you’ll be forced with the choice to either run or attack depending on your playing style, it’s up to you there’s a large batch of different enemies who will put your patience and skills of blocking to the test. but I always seemed to have what it required to push through it alive, it was challenging at times but I made it through Brisbane.
Village is like a mixture of all the previous installments of RE franchise. it takes all the good parts and gives it to fans in small bites across this horrifying adventure tension is created in multiple ways that force you to adjust on the fly but as scary as it is the thought that the answers to all your questions lie just beyond that door will keep you playing long into the night Resident Evil Village isn’t having an identity crisis it’s fully aware of what it’s doing somehow the blending of all these systems produces the most entertaining nightmare you’ve probably ever had!
I would rate Resident Evil Village a Good 8.5/10!
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